Data Piggy
Dear Internet,
It has come to my attention that people are calling Venture Capitalists "data piggies,” and I for one am appalled.
Sure, the definition of a data piggy is a tech sector Venture Capitalist who stuffs their little piggy faces on people's private information until their little piggy overall buttons pop off their engorged, little piggy bodies.
But, just because this is the official definition for the term data piggy does not mean we should call venture capitalists "little curly-tailed data piggies who follow us around the web slopping up our private information.”
Kindness is more important than accuracy.
So, I ask you kindly, please refrain from using the correct term "data piggy” when referring to any venture capitalist. For example, never say, "Marc Andreessen is the latest data piggy to invest in that cool new app, so expect major changes to the terms of service.” And if you hear someone say that, please do not respond with, “yeah, I can almost hear the trough being rolled out now. Those little data piggies sure do love slopping up our data.”
Finally, and I can't believe I have to say this, but, if you were to use the term "data piggy,” (you shouldn't) please don't follow it up with an "oink oink” sound.
— fromjason