illustration of two globes
27 August 2024

Raw dog the open web!

Monoculture is winning. The Fortune 500 has shrink-wrapped our zeitgeist and we are suffocating culturally.

But, we can fight back by bookmarking a web page or sharing a piece of art unsanctioned by our For Your Page. To do that we must get out there and raw dog that open web.

In our current digital landscape, where a corporate algorithm tells us what to read, watch, drink, eat, wear, smell like, and sound like, human curation of the web is an act of revolution. A simple list of hyperlinks published under a personal domain name is subversive. Curation is punk.

So get out there and find the parts of the web that aren't for sale. Use any search engine that isn't Google dot com. Sift through the corporate blogs and AI-generated prose until you find that speck of gold.

Then, embrace the oddity of reading a stranger's opinion about a niche topic. Explore the ones and zeros handcrafted by just some guy in upstate New York who likes to make DIY cell phones. And when you're done, share your bounties with another.

So let's take off the latex wrapped around our digital spaces by Zuckerberg and all his Technocrat cronies. And let the open web buss all over us— wait.

I'll work on the metaphor. You start making some hyperlinks.

Here are a few to get started:

Public Work by Cosmos

Potato Cheap: The Cheap Web

Design Manifestos

Arts & Letters Daily

Cari Institute Index of Aesthetics

Patterns For Personal Websites

Grumpy Website

And of course, my little website where I talk about things and stuff.


label name
Plot notebook
Type note
Phase sorting
Assumed audience everyone